Choosing Electric Vehicle Charging Stations for Home

Choosing Electric Vehicle Charging Stations for Home

When it comes to choosing the right electric vehicle charging station for your home, there are several things you should keep in mind. They include safety considerations, cost-saving tips and more.

Choosing the right charger can be an important investment for many drivers. It can also help you save money on fuel and contribute to the environment.


An electric vehicle charging station converts the power available in your home– usually either 120 volts or 240 volts–into a current flow that an electric vehicle’s battery system can accept.

Level 1 chargers convert 120-volt household outlets to a charge rate of about 1.4 kilowatts. They are a good choice for most people who need to charge their electric vehicles at home, or in offices where workplace charging is offered.

A Level 2 charging station converts 240-volt circuits into a current flow that an EV’s battery system can accept. They can charge …

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About a Battery Electric Vehicle?

About a Battery Electric Vehicle?

A battery electric vehicle (BEV) is a vehicle powered by a rechargeable battery. These vehicles are a key part of the global move towards cleaner transport.

However, the future of battery electric vehicles will depend on many factors including advancements in technology, market trends, and government regulations. This article will discuss these important aspects to help you better understand the future of BEVs.

Advancements in Technology

There is a wealth of advances in battery technology that could change the way electric vehicles are used. These include solid-state batteries, which use liquid electrolytes instead of a solid material; improved battery design; longer cycle life; and thermal stability.

In addition, a team of researchers has developed a new battery structure that regulates temperature from inside the battery to charge faster. This could significantly increase the range and energy available for an EV, according to Penn State researcher Jian Wang.

The research is …

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6 Essentials Every Man Should Keep in His Car

6 Essentials Every Man Should Keep in His Car

Every man should have a few essential items in their car regardless of their occupation or how often they drive. When you think of necessary things to keep in your car, your mind immediately goes to spare tires. 

While it’s true that a spare tire is one of the most important things to have in your vehicle. There are other equally important items that can potentially save your life in an emergency. And no, we’re not just talking about having a phone or a first-aid kit. 

There are so many things that could go wrong, and you never know what you or your passengers might need, so it’s essential to be prepared for all situations.

The more stuff and gadgets you equip in your car, the more value it’s gonna get when you get a car valuation online in Dubai.

Even if it seems like a hassle now, it’s …

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Battery Electric Vehicle Markets Around the World

Battery Electric Vehicle Markets Around the World

Battery electric vehicles (BEVs) are gaining momentum around the world. With policy support, incentives, and rapid production growth, these vehicles are becoming a more viable alternative to conventional gasoline-powered cars.

BEVs use lithium-ion batteries, which have a high power-to-weight ratio and energy efficiency. They also have a low self-discharge rate.


China is often portrayed as a laggard in climate change efforts, but its remarkable adoption of battery electric vehicles tells a different story. The government has developed policies and incentives to spur EV growth, including a mandate that car manufacturers produce a certain number of battery-powered cars each year.

The incentives are tied to technological metrics and performance indicators across EV models, such as range per single charge, battery energy density, system energy efficiency and charging speed. These criteria have incentivized innovation and technological advancement, while keeping affordability within reach for consumers.

A large portion of the Chinese EV …

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Types of Batteries Used in Electric Vehicles

Types of Batteries Used in Electric Vehicles

The battery is the energy storage system of all electric vehicles (EVs), hybrid electric vehicles (HEVs), and plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs). There are four main types of batteries used in EVs, including lithium-ion, nickel-metal hydride, lead-acid, and ultracapacitors.

While battery manufacturing emissions are much higher than other vehicle components, the overall carbon footprint of an EV is generally lower than that of a conventional car. The key is to get battery design right.

Comparison of Battery Electric Vehicles (BEVs) and Other Types of Vehicles

Battery Electric Vehicles (BEV) are the eco-friendliest of all types of cars because they don’t use an internal combustion engine and instead rely on a rechargeable battery to power their propulsion. Because of this, they don’t produce as much carbon dioxide during their entire lifecycle.

BEVs also have a number of other environmental and performance-related advantages over ICE-powered vehicles. For example, they convert more than …

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Battery Electric Vehicle (BEV) Technology

Battery Electric Vehicle (BEV) Technology

The underlying technology that powers battery electric vehicles is a large pack of batteries, typically made up of around 2,000 lithium-ion cells. These cells are a lot closer to the ones in your cell phone or laptop than their heavier lead-acid cousins, but much more reliable and with far longer life spans.

Technology Advancements

Battery Electric Vehicle (BEV) technology has come a long way since its beginning. In the past decade, there have been significant advancements in energy density, charging infrastructure, EoL, cost-effectiveness, and safety.

A number of companies are investing in solid-state battery technology to advance energy storage. This new technology uses a liquid electrolyte in a solid form, which offers more energy density, faster charging, and lower fire risk.

However, it is still a long way off from production. Analysts predict that solid-state batteries may be a decade away from becoming a mainstream EV battery.

One of the …

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